Receive 15% of every replenishment under the referral program
Want to get even more benefits from MVP Project?
Earn on MVP Projectreferral program and start receiving 15% from each deposit of an invited user!
All earnings will go to your MVP Project balance.
You can not only use them to work with our product, but also withdraw them to your account.
How does it work?
- Sign up and go to your MVP Project profile
- Go to the referral program section and copy your unique link.
- Send it to your friends or acquaintances, and start getting bonuses from every deposit they make to your balance.
Program terms and conditions
The referral program is valid for the first six months after registration.
This is enough time for you to attract not only your closest acquaintances, but also to share your referral link with other people.
You can track information on user registrations and your income from their deposits in the referral program section. Join MVP Project and earn from the referral program.
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